Thursday, April 17, 2008

Watch out!

Or should I say 'Watch on!'. For the first time in 5 years! This is only the second proper one I've worn ever! I got my first for my 8th birthday, and having had straps replaced and pins replaced etc etc it finally died around 5 years ago. Since then I've been meaning to get a new one! And, well now I have one! My wrist is feeling somewhat heavier, but I'm sure i'll get used to it in time! Get it...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

You can tell it's that time of year again!

Yes, with exams, proving to be the monster which will in good time be coming over the hill, I have unsurprisingly resorted to my natural defence mechanism of getting hooked on crap songs! Only yesterday I was innocently searching for a video of a dougnut turning into a coffee mug (which surprisingly is an extremely mathematical phenomenon!) when up pops 'Black coffee' in the Youtube results. In a serious moment of misjudgment I thought I would reunite myself with this poppy rubbish, as it was more fun than trying to explain topology to a 14yr old. Alas therein was my big mistake.

I have not stopped singing it for 24hrs. And now here it is for you to enjoy!