Saturday, July 15, 2006

Brmm brmm

Who needs a car when you can just walk along making car noises? It's far healthier and better for the environment, and walking gives you the chance and space to think...Not that i had any choice mind when my family disappeared off with the car when i was supposed to be using it, then when my brother used it when i needed picking up because i hadn't got the car, oh yeah and also when he gets to use it tomorrow despite the fact that i also need it. Still...walking is good!

So what amazing things have i been up to? Well i watched the second Pirates of the caribbean film today; entertaining, very funny, but ultimately not a fantastic film. I also went to a BBQ at Katherines house. Last night i went out into town with a few old friends and had a few drinks and played pool which was great also. All in all, not really a busy few days, but enjoyable ones.

Well tara for now my sweeties. Keep smiling and stay safe til we meet again

Thought for the Day: Learn to let go

Thursday, July 13, 2006

BSc Hons Car Parking

It's a shame that such a degree does not exist, because after 4 days of directing and parking cars i now feel fully qualified. Yet i did not even receive a certificate or a badge. Just a modest wage packet at the end of it all. The skills i have learnt include 'judging regulation car parking space widths by eye', 'smiling and waving and gesturing for 6hrs non stop' and 'listening to 1 in 3 people make the sam joke as i park their car, for 3 whole days!!'. All very valuable skills i think. They will definitely be entered onto my C.V.

Without labouring a point too much-because that would not be like me at all!! Would it?? These last few days really have openend my eyes to the stupidity and mindlessness of the British public. Racist, ignorant, arrogant, arsey, complaining, moody, lazy... I could go on for hours, suffice to say that sometimes i wish i was a rabbit. Then at least i wouldn't have the shame of being human. I guess a non-british rabbit too. Ooh and by the way i saw Prince Charles' procession on its way to the show. Very exciting. Sorry if Oli reads this (which he wont because for him it represents 'self-indulgence'), alas i did not launch an assanination attempt.

So what else do i have to say. Well in a world as existentialist as mine, i could write about nothing, or everything and yet both would have equal point-in that they would both be pointLESS. However this does not ease my choice as i am still none the wiser as to where this wander should end. Is it a means to an end. Or is it, strange as it may seem, and end via a means-like walking somewhere just so on the way you can walk past a shop and buy something nice. A journey that exists purely for the journey and not the destination. Kind of the equivalent of a circular walk i guess. I never did get the point in them. Whereas a pub lunch, now there is our first category, where the walk is only justified by the meal which follows. Hmm i should go on a pub walk...then i can wear my geography anorak too. Might have problems finding companions for that reason though!

Thought for the Day: Speech when not used correctly can act as the exhaust pipe for the brain

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The world is the world is the world.

And people will be people will be people. Yes the world spins on and on. I said i was going to say more about people today, so here goes.

You've gotta love them. Try as they may, people just can't manage to get on. Or is it that we don't try? Do we really want to get on, as a basic instinct, or are we all selfish beings with a disinterest towards the majority of people? It's not often you hear someone launch into a complaint that doesn't include the mahic word 'I' or 'me'. Complaints i heard today...'i want to park closer', 'He nicked my space', 'i was told i couldn't bring a dog', 'He's in my way', 'It's taken me hours to get in because of all the stupid queues', to name but a few. Some of these may even be valid (if so, still not necessarily much to do with a carpark supervisor!!!) but it sums up the whole attitude. The best one, is people thinking they know better than you and going completely against what you say...Now i've heard that my job is supposed to be unpopular...but i don't know how the cars would do without!!! Its a dog eat dog world where self interest rules!

In other news: old people.Just something i was thinking about today. Its one of the hardest things to do-watch someone dissolve into old age. Watch the flame within them go out, and all hope, life and excitement leave them. Everyone is changing, as one rather eager young band sang. People die, others get ill, and gradually the older generations fade out into a blurry and cracked impression of their former selves. Often stripped of dignity, fully dependent and unable to do what they used to enjoy. So what am i getting at? Well i don't mean to be overly depressing-just came up in conversation earlier. I guess there is nothing we can do but try and restore people, to provide something in their lives. I don't agree with 'dignified' deaths or euthanasia, instead i think it is vital that we do as much to make such peoples' lives enjoyble 'til the end arrives.

Thought for the Day: The only sure thing in life is death. It's our job to ensure everything else

Monday, July 10, 2006

now up 20 hours...

It's been a hectic few days. And it's only the beignning, on the back of 2 1/2 hrs sleep on saturday night, last night i got 4 hours sleep, was up at 4.30, in order to be up for work, worked from 6am-7pm, got home, had a shower, went to a friend's house as twas their birthday, and then got back about 40 mins ago. Since then i have had a nice cuppa and crashed. Now off to bed again, because it all starts again at 4.30, in just over that many hours... though at least i finish work at midday today, a mere 6hrs...less than half of whati did today! But with the money i am am getting i hae no right to complian. Though i am tired, and will be ill before long, the day itself was in most parts enjoyable, the weather was nice (too nice as i got burnt!!), and i had a good chat to the guy i was working with.

Its amazing how stupid people are though when they ask you questions. Maybe more on that tomorrow. My manager also got his foot intentionally run over, breaking 3 bones in his foot, following a heated discussion with a driver...the driver has since been arrested. And with that, as the screen blurs before my eyes, i bid a very fond farewell

Thought for the Day: isn't it strange the emphasis we place on clothing. Stick a luminous vest on and you automatically become a world renowned travel/parking/great yorkshire show expert. Is it worrying that we base so much on appearance?