Friday, March 24, 2006

And so the rain came...

garrrr shouldn't have mentioned the rain yesterday. With all predictability it has barely stopped raining all day today. Ah well, it didn't stop my adventure into town this afternoon. Admittedly i have had more exciting days in my life, but i did buy some new shoes which i think is quite exciting! No more wet feet for me.

This evening i watched Donnie Darko which is a fantastic film. Its the second time i have seen it fully and it is near the top of my list of favourite films. Along with the Truman Show!
It did mean i was all by myself all evening, but everyone else was out having a life. Maybe one day i'll get a life too.

So tomorrow being a saturday will really turn things upside down. im not quite sure why, but when your not at Uni, or even during school holidays, it was always saturdays that completely threw me-just never managed to quite get my head round them. Think its kinda the fact that no matter where i have been i have always had saturdays off, so to have every day off makes saturdays feel strange. Anyways i shall lave you now with another sentence of complete lack of insight

Thought for the Day: The past is the wall upon which we stand-Try and take parts of it out, and you crumble, spend too much time looking at it and you fall off

Its not raining...nor pouring and i can hear no snoring

Thursdays are usually rainy. However today broke the trend because it did not rain. I have not done anything of note today, except perhaps going to a concert tonight at my old school. It was a very high standard though it did mean i had to suffer the head teacher once again. And believe me, it can be difficult. Anyways music was reeeaallllly good and i feel all cultured now! I also got to see some of my friends again which was brilliant. Oops ice tray is empty-youll have to do without. Ok well i have big plans for tomorrow. im not sure what, but after so many days of simply sitting around it is in my mind inevitabel by the laws of probability that i am due a biiigggg day! so watch out world coz here i come! p.s happy birthday vicky! woooo 19 today. pps my alter ego still exists...he gets lonely...real lonely.

Thought for the Day: The most perfect objects in life only get there by a lot of reshaping

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Escapism in action...

Hello hello hello

Hoorah, hoorah to good weather! What a beautiful day today. I went for a morning stroll which i thoroughly enjoyed! I no some people dont enjoy solitude or relaxation-but they are right up my strreet (figuratively-they arent actualy at the end of the street on which i live).

Today if all goes well you will spot my alter ego in another dimension Hgerfd (which is pronounced Doo-saa-min in his language) has started a blog-i am translating it into english so you will be able to understand. So keep an eye out for that. I apologise that some words ma not translate. So..what have i done today-well i watched the commonwealth games diving:oh no sorry i mean i watched chelsea 'play' football. Which was depressing and really rather dull. i also tidied my room a little:yes i know this is a little extreme but hey!

So i think that is just about all today. The plans for tommorrow have not yet been drawn up at this very early hour. However an intelligent guess would be...nothing! I leave you with some words of wisdom i found in my room today that i wrote 6 years ago

Thought for the Day: Treasure moments, because you will not realise what they are worth until afterwards.


Righty ho-following that awful post-i thought i ought to post some piccies to make you forget all about i-so here goes:

Tomorrow's yesterday

Well well well, another tuesday i will back upon with joy. I dont know why-theres just something about Tuesdays. Well actually no there isnt, i have never felt any affiliation to Tuesdays, it was merely that two sentences into my blog-i had already run out f things to say. Which would have been extremely embarassing if it were not for my super fast brain which has guided me through the first paragraph.

There we go now that wasn't hard was it now. All i have is another few paragraphs and it'll lookm impressive then i can sign off claiming i havent done much today, and people will think 'wow he didnt do much today and yet he still manages to write two paragraphs about it' Well at least some people will marvel at it while others will scorn the idea, seeing through its incredible transparency. In reality i guess it may be a good test as to whether people read my blogs or not-especially if i insert a random word somewhere around Plasticene which will test whether they actually read it with any care at all.

So that was today...I havent done much really. Signing off

Thought for the Day: Ode to a pigeon by Tim Marjoribanks

If i were a pigeon, id strut around and coo,
And if i didnt like you, id cover you in poo.

Oh to be a pigeon, and nod my head all day,
I guess i couldnt help it, because pigeons walk that way.

To follow in the footsteps, of brave old Cher Ami,
To serve my King and country, oh thats the life for me

And when the strutting was all done, and the cooing died away,
Id settle down and find a mate, and nod the night away

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Yes i know its a few minutes late but who actually cares...right well a lot tosay today

Firstly thankyou to all those (5) people who made yesterday a record breaking day for my blog, registering a massive 24 comments. I have contacted guinnes world records, but am waiting to hear back! So what exciting things have i done today...

Well last night i feel asleep at 2am with my laptop by my side-no i havent found attachment of a different kind...i was downloading 24 season 5 so i could catch up before tonight. The download took 11hrs and finished just as i was waking up at 9.30am. So i celebrated that by watching the first episode! After that i got up and had some lunch! Then perhaps the most exciting part of my day consisted of going for coffee with a rah-ther good friend of mine from school who is now at Cambridge-alas she is still a poor misguided fool, as durham as we all know is the place to be.

Following that frollicking, i resided in the house for a while, during which time i ate some tea (yum yum) and then this evening guess what...i watched the latest 24 (ep.8). It should be noted that while no mention is given..i had previously caught up the 3 episodes i had missed-but i did not think that news worthy of precious blog-space.

So, another day over, a new one just begun...hmm reminds me of a john lennon song. Imagine that-me as john lennon. Oh dear i dont like that thought very much at all. I think id rather be a pigeon...oh to be a pigeon...oooh in fact i shall include my 'ode to a pigeon' on tomorrows blog-now theres a good cliffhanger to finish on!
Au revoir

Thought for the Day: YYUR, YYUB, ICUR, YY4ME

Monday, March 20, 2006

The madness of it all...

Hey hey there crazy people reading this blog. Just a little mention of two very enlightening blogs and Both a very good read. Though in reality its mainly you two who read this dull and boring text. Still free advertising cant be bad! (Cheques in the post please guys)

So what crazy madness have i been up to today...well i had 11hrs sleep which is the equivalent of 3 nights sleep in durham! Brilliant! Then i got up. had an amazing lunch (pork and potatoes both properly cooked) then played scrabble (i know, very intellectual but it passed the time), then i updated my website a little, then i had some tea, went to church in the evening, came back, watched Planet Earth and now i am here. And people say i dont tell them enough...

Plans for tomorrow consist of sleeping a lil more and going into town to buy things!

Thought for the Day: Spend a few minutes googling craig murray-its actually quite shocking