Friday, May 11, 2007

Latest Building Project

You may be excited about the new buildings at the Science Site, but here's something to really get you going! Due to very kind donations, we are on target to complete the new toilet roll bouncy ball/powerball?!? chute before the end of term. Surveyors have carried out detailed measurements, and now resources are being collected. Currently there are 23 tubes, each 5 toilet rolls long, however with an estimated 43 tubes required there is still a long way to go. If supply continues at the current rate, building work should be completed within 8 weeks, however a few laxitives here and there, and possibly generous donations from other residences should see us to the target-however do not get complacent! Keep going to the toilet! The chute will stretch from number 5 to number 1 Cross View Terrace. Below is an artists impression of what part of the new development will look like