Friday, August 18, 2006

If i lay here

If i just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget about the world. If only it were possible to lie down and forget about the world, and just be. Like when you see films in fast forward. To be able to sit back and watch life pass, without having to think or do.

Tomorrow i set off to sunny sunny Scotland (yeah right) so you wont be hearing from me for a good 2 weeks. I have done my research and studied the possible glacial landscapes to look out for, so I'm going to have a whale of a time. Yes i am extremely sad, but someone has got to be excited by such things, and so by being so, i am merely doing my duty and relieving someone else of the sad-ness. Maybe...or maybe its jus cos I'm a bit of a loser, who wears geographical society clothing!

Tonight i have to pack. I am sat here on my bed, as far away from the bag as possible, in some sort of denial that packing itself actually exists at all. Alas as fun as escapism and denial is, i fear that before i put my head down for the night i will have to confront the massive pile of clothes and junk that lies strewn before me across my room, and rearrange it into a somewhat more organised collection. I will pack suncream, just in case...

The title bit was by the way a lyric from Chasing Cars, from Snow Patrol's new album, which is absolutely fantastic! Go buy it! NOW!

Thought for the Day: He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool, shun him,
He who knows not and knows that he knows not is a child, teach him,
He who knows and knows not that he knows is asleep, wake him,
He who knows and knows that he knows is wise, follow him.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


If you get a massive telescope...and i mean massive, you can see millions of miles out into the universe. You can see so far, that it acts as a time machine and you can see things far back into time, things which came into being milliseconds after the big bang. The very echoes of creation.
The 'white noise' of radiation can still be picked up on radiotelescopes, the past echoing into the future.

There are things in my life which still bounce quietly round my mind. Some hollow memories, some warm harmonies echoing around inside my head, and affecting me day to day. In fact memory itself is one large cacophone of sound, echoing back at different volumes and with different sounds.

I hope that in some way, my life will not fade out with my body. That echoes of my life will rebound around this world, in the minds of others-that my echo will live on, long after i have died. I hope that i will create an echo in the minds of whoever i meet-that i might have some positive effect on their life through who i am, what i say.
I hope that then they too will create an eternal echo.

Thought for the Day: What we do in life, echoes in eternity

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The interval will last approximately 2 days

Welcome to the gap. Please mind it. It's really me. I am back having spent two amazing weeks in Lincolnshire. I leave again for Scotland on Saturday and so it really is like a short interval of 2 days.

So...Stage-Fright. Was an amazing two weeks of madness, for a week of which, we had 42 young people on camp. In 8 days we transformed one word into a play, performed (and thought up partly) amazingly by the cast of young people. It's an amazing privelege to be involved in a young persons life-especially at that age and i loved every minute of it, including hanging out with the other leaders, many of whom i knew from previous years. And two of which i unexpectedly discovered read this blog occasionally!

So now i have to try and adjust back to normal, boring life for a few days, then toddle of to Scotland for two weeks with the family! Should be good, but always slight aprehension as to how it will go.

So basically i am back! But not for long! Hope you are all still alive and well!

Thought for the Day: Love is not proud, nor self seeking