Friday, November 24, 2006

Accidental transvestite

My main problem with clothes shopping, is the fear of becoming an accidental transvestite. Well ok, so i am using slightly the wrong term here but hey-If i cared i'd change it. The problem is, I don't have much dress sense. This might shock all of my closest friends, who have witnessed first hand my amazing co-ordination of colours and fantasticly fashionable attire. However it is true. I can cope with Burtons, or Next, most of the time. The problem arises with those shops who sell guys to girls clothes. How does one tell the difference??

Obviously the mini skirt and lingerie section are easily distuingishable, but when we get down to the finer points such as jackets, jeans and shorts, how is one to know? Everytime i walk in to such a shop, i look around desperately for some assurance , on signs and boards, even in the clothes themselves, but sometimes the clothes themselves don't say. So if you see me walking round in what appears to be girls clothes, just give me a gentle nudge and a whisper in the ear and that would be much appreciated.

Toilets are great. You'd be hard pushed to beat a cubicle in the corner of a public loo. Ok so they smell bad, and the floor is often littered with all kinds of indescribable things, however i have to admit i have grown to love the humble cubicle. Why? Because it offers me a few minutes of pure alone time. Its like shrinking back into my brain for 5 mins. No-one else around, completely alone with your thoughts and your own space. Step out of the world and into the calm and serenity of four walls and just you inside (hopefully!?!). I may be odd, but i tend to enjoy being on my own, and going to the toilet gives me a 3 minute break to recover before re-entering the world. Urinals just aren't the same

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I don't intend to keep you long

Because to be honest there are far better things to do in this world than sit and read the ramblings of an old man stuck in a young man's body! I realised again today that having not blogged in a fair while, was probably time i blogged again. You see Katie hit the proverbial nail on the proverbial head (which i'm sure he was proverbially annoyed about, having been hit on numerous occasions in the past) in her blog when she talked about people liking to have something to moan about. It's not that i enjoy moaning especially, rather happy things don't always seem so exciting. However i will endeavour to write about all the happy times!

Life goes easy on me most of the time. And so it is, the last few weeks have been great. Despite the overhanging guilt of not working, everything is really good at the moment. What a rubbish word to describe so much. I won't go on too long, infact most of what i feel i want to say Katie has already said! lol. I feel very honoured to know the people i do, and to considered one of their friends, and feel truly blessed to be where I am. Cheesy as cheese on toast, but just as true (Don't ask me how cheese on toast is true...just sounded like it should work!)

Didn't keep you too long...