Wednesday, January 09, 2008


I haven't blogged for ages. Partly because for a large amount of the last 4 weeks I haven't had much internet access, and also because I was away doing better things.

So here we go, another year begins. It's already 8 years since the millennium (or 7 if you actually celebrated it the right year) That makes me feel old, very old indeed. Anyway, I have resolved once again to have no resolutions this year, and therefore I am confident that I will keep to all my resolutions.

I have decided to blog about nothing. I am actually devoid of anything to say still!!! After a month! I suppose i should at least leave you with a song. Seeing as most of the 1 1/2 people who read this are girls, here's a Man-hater song recommended by a good friend of mine. Apparently when us guys turn out to not actually be plucked straight out of a fairytale, this is what you're supposed to cry along to, tears collecting in your tub of ben and jerrys that you know shouldn't eat, but you just can't help it...sniff sniff