Saturday, May 13, 2006

If, iff and only if

What if? The inevitable element of regret. It's always there; no matter how content and happy you may be i find there is always room for a a few 'if only's. Still i guess the fear of regret can be a good thing, as we make decisions in the present. Just thinking about it, it reminds me of a poem i once read... 'two roads diverged into a yellow wood'. I think a healthy amount of fear of failure, when put in perspective can be very constructive. Besides if we never experience failure, how will we ever triuly appreciate success?

That all brings me very nicely onto my next word-Iff. This may seem like a typo to many of you, but in fact it means 'if and only if' in maths. And it is maths that i am desperately trying to revise. The distractions of cricket and msn are often proving too much. With my first exam looming on Monday a step up to the next gear is required. However there is also football on this afternoon. Oh dear!

My third if (first in the title) refers to the poem 'If' by Rudyard Kipling. I was reading it again yesterday and it struck me just how true it is. I guess i apsire to many of those 'ifs' but it would take a far better man than me to be able to tick even half of them off. Still we can but try.

oh for all those procrastinators who have not already heard...try searching timocracy on google

Thought for the Day: Ok...what's weird is that while searching for the first poem on the internet, the first page i found, contained two poems, the other one being If! So i think that link shall be my thought for the Day!