Saturday, December 31, 2005

Ladies and gentlemen...class of 2005...wear sunscreen!

2005 has been quite a year for me. So i thought i'd just go over some of the highlights.

Firstly i got my A-Levels. Probably one of the best moments this year was picking up my results. It meant so much to me inside, and so doing well was a major boost for me.

Then came 10 weeks of Uni! Probably 10 of the best weeks of my life. I made so many good friends and had such an amazing time it was unbelievable. I enjoyed every moment of it, even doing my essay all night!

Katherine got back from Peru late April. Although it seems ages ago now, it was pretty special. Also going to France together in the summer was amazing. We also both helped at a youth drama camp in the summer which was good fun as usual. And now we are at Uni together!

In April i had my 18th, which, although Katherine wasn't here for! lol, was great. Had quite a few other 18ths too. They are always a laugh.

England won the ashes! Although i had nothing to do with it of course, that has to be a highlight.

Well i think those are the main highlights. I've probably forgotten something really important-but hey! c'est la vie. Now bring on 2006!!!

Thought for the Day: Before you look forward, you always have to look back

Here she is...

Rachel-my favourite sister

Ive been asked by a certain member of my family (big fan of the blog as well!) to mention their name as so far they have not even been reffered to! So here goes...Rachel Marjoribanks-my favourite, worst and only sister. See pic above! Oh dear she could have at least smiled...mind you she didn't know it was going to end up on here. Tee hee hee

Which brings me onto my next topic-My digital camera which arrived this morning! Yay. Tis brilliant. Look out for random photos appearing here over the next few weeks!

This evening had friends round for a meal/family stuff etc. Was good. This habbit of eating and doing nothing else is going to have to come to an abrupt end after the new year though!

Thought for the Day: Think, Say, Do, Sleep in that order

Friday, December 30, 2005

More relatives!

Yes today it was our turn to do lots of travelling. And so having got up at 6.20 in the morning we set off down to bath to see my grandma for the day. And i have only just got back. I wonder what certain people might make of today's level of activity?

I love grandparents. My grandma has lived in her house for the past 60 odd years-the vast majority with My grandad who passed away two years ago. It's amazing how the house has barely changed ovet those 60 years. And all my childhood memories of the place still exist-the same ornaments, photos, weird random objects are still almost exactly as they were 8 years ago. This is especially the case going upstairs where my grandma is no longer able to venture. It almost has a very haunting feel to it (haunting not haunted-big difference!!!)

Anyways so today has been a good day, even if a little boring spending over 10 hours in the car. I guess it's an example of how one small sacrifice can mean a lot to someone else.

Thought for the Day: If everyone spent a day in someone elses shoes, then we would all have blisters

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

What have you done today to make you feel proud

Absolutely nothing-as promised. And i have enjoyed every minute of it!
Got up about 10am, had breakfast, helped Man Utd to the Champions League Semis, Ate lunch, went to Knaresborough on a trip vaguely to do with shopping, then ate a little more once id got back (to katherines house). Then i went home, had tea, watched Max and Paddy then came upstairs and ate some chocolate.

There you go-the grand summary of my day. Am i the only one who actually despises th human race 90% of the time?? Road rage, stressed out shoppers, spoilt brats, bad drivers, incompetent sales people-its just one list of annoyance. I settle for an agreement where as long as people dont come crashing into my day-i stay away from theirs-But so often they do....for a few awful moments our paths cross.

Advanced warning i may not post tomorrow as i am away all day-but il do my best-Then we'll be onto New Year and stuff!!

Thought for the Day: Isnt 50% off on something you dont want really 50% on?

Tuesday 27th December

For those of you who may be deluded-it is infact still tuesday!!

Today was a relatives day. That means that i spent the whole day eating, drinking and playing games! (with relatives of course). In fact the 27th December is quite often such a day, to the extent that if 'twer a saints day-u guarantee they'd be related to you!

This Christmas has been quite relative-ish in general. Pretty much all i have done for the last 3 days is drink-barely making time for sleep. Hence i look forward to absolute zero of activity tomorrow ( for def.). No plans as of yet-but maybe going to Narnia. (the film obviously coz the place doesn't exist). Well the place may exist-please let me know if you find Narnia in your wardrobe-id love to visit.

That'l be all

Thought for the Day: Normal=Average=Mean=Horrible ergo insanity is the way forward!

Monday, December 26, 2005

364 days to go!!!

Well thats Christmas over for another year....tis a shame-oh i wish it could be christmas every day. Well anyway was great fun. Got lots of presents and a fair amount of money and had a really nice time. And now im sat here and contemplating starting the most boring assessment ever set-which consequently was set by a sandal wearing apparently quite fanciable (no names mentioned..) lecturer who obviously was tricked into agreeing to be course convenor (or however you spell it!).

Thanks for the jokes guys. Winner i think had to be Will with his one about the pizza. Emmas was well lets face it awful, Griffs was ok, and Andy would have won the prize for most effort, but perhaps next time should choose some slightly better jokes! Prizes will be on the way soon...

Anyway better go and eat some more-havent eaten for at least 2 hours now! Hope everyone had a good Christmas!

Thought for the Day: live for tomorrows yesterday-no regrets