Thursday, November 09, 2006


I think sometimes in life things just have to be. There is a time for thinking, a time for pondering, but in the end sometimes we just have to get on with it. This may seem strange written on a blog that is sometimes far too philosophical, but the truth is i do like thinking. Thinking is abstract, beautiful and complex. Yet the complexity is a puzzle, which is enjoyed. It's nice to think about deep philosophical matters.

The problem is that life isn't the fun puzzle...its the jigsaw puzzle's evil twin. The one with pieces that bite as you put them in, or fit and then just when you are about to finish, you take a closer look and notice that the pieces don't quite fit. That's why i think sometimes you just have to stop thinking, and get on with it. Life cannot always be reasoned, or explained away. There are some things we will never know or understand, so there is no point trying to, or getting down about it. Just gotta keep going!

Go Live!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


" You will accomplish whatever you sincerely believe you will accomplish. And you can believe whatever you choose to believe "

I read that today in a website, and felt compelled to remark at its absurdity. Firstly, as much as i may believe it will, my belief will not help fly me to the moon using only matchsticks, nor get me into the Manchester United first team. No alas, what we achieve has very little to do with how sincerely we believe it.

Secondly, how can we believe in what we choose to believe in? Belief is a deep-set strong conviction regarding a certain matter. To choose belief is an insane paradox. For our choices our governed by what we believe, but what we believe is supposedly up to us. Therefore what basis at all would we have for making any decision. I may choose to believe that I am superman, but no matter how much i choose to believe it, it is still in essence untrue. This is not contradicting an earlier blog, where i stated that truth is subjective. I am rather stressing that truth is undeniable and leads to belief. Unfortunately the truth we have in our heads is sometimes distorted by ourselves.

The other thing i noticed is that it mentions the word 'you' five times. So here is where the foundations begin to crumble. What if...we dare to assume that there is a world other than ourselves? That belief and accomplishment may not only be related to ourselves! That there may be issues of truth that extend beyond our mind.

Thought for the Day: If someone tells you 'There is no such thing as Truth', they are asking you not to believe them

Monday, November 06, 2006

Students Work ethic

You have probably heard of tennis elbow etc, but i doubt you have heard of students work ethic. The general attitude towards all things work related that comes from being a student. Oxymoronic you may think, but it is true! Since becoming a student i have become far more lazy and even sitting down to one maths homework can be a real challenge. Indeed it is unfortunately the case that as i write i should be doing some enthralling numerical analysis homework!

I realise it is a week since i last posted and would like to inform all my valuable readers that from now on i shall try to blog at least every other day! The problem is, i have nothing to say. There is no drama, no news, not really much to say at all! Like a postcard from the Western Front, i simply have nothing to say!

Life is good. This last week has been good. Back to school was amazing last wednesday, Halloween party was really cool too-so thanks no.1! So yeah pretty much all i can remember has been fantastic-though i did get a letter from the opticians today-have to go for another appointment! Grrr ok i maybe a little blind (don't even wear my glasses) but i am happy blind! Don't wanna go and stare at letters and numbers and have it sorted out at my expense!

Anyways, that'll be all!

Thought for the Day: A little less conversation, a little more action