Thursday, November 16, 2006

Whispers from a different now.

Every now and then, something happens. Out of the ordinary comes the extraordinary-out of the mundane, the awesome. It happened just the other night. Lack of sleep is never good, add that to a stressful day and a heap of work waiting to be done two days ago and you have what makes potentially for a difficult day. You may think these are pretty minor problems, but the magnitude of a problem is often only measured by the amount of coverage it gets in your head, so who can judge the size of problems?

Anyway i digress. I was busy scurrying along at night muttering to myself about the cold and the fact that i had to walk so far, when all of a sudden i glanced up at the sky, and there was the most awesome sight ever. The dark night sky with the looming dimly lit cathedral in the foreground. Lights flickered off the river to my left, and way up high, hundreds and thousands of stars twinkled brightly. Then along came a Grey Bar crawl...singing 'skies are grey, skies a grey' in an eerily high tone considering the number of 'guys' in tow. And that was it-my moment gone.

But just for that moment. I saw a different now. I don't know quite how to describe it, but it was as though for a few seconds, every problem had gone away and i was left with a peace that made me want to smile. Not a crappy little sense of good-nature, a deep sense of contentment. It's not always obviously there. There are times when the world gets to noisy, and troubles shut it out. But if you stop for a while, even in the loudest place the whisper can still be heard. I hope you have the privelege of hearing that same whisper.

Thought for the Day:
Frodo: "I wish The Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had ever happened."
Gandalf: "So do all who live to face such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."