Saturday, June 03, 2006

June has arrived!

And hooray to all the june madness and sunshine. This is the proper first weekend off after exams, and so its parties and bops etc all round. The sun is shining, as it has been for a long time now, and the sky is blue-and i have played a lot of ultimate frisbee. Well not that much-just about 4hrs yesterday-and i now have blisters from wearing uncomfortable shoes for that length of time!

Last night we went into some of the college bars, collecting for bolivian prison children-children whose parents are in prison, and so have to live in prison themselves as their is little social security or services. It's amazing who gives and who doesn't. Well actually it's amazing how stingy people are full stop. Give them a bar and they will spend like there's no tomorrow, ask if they want to give some money to charity and suddenly the free spirit diminishes. So why is it that a group of collar-up, shirts and shoes, gentlemen of castle find it so hard to give?

I should point out it is by no means just the richest, or just people from Castle that don't like to give. Though strangely there is a trend whereby the people with less give more and the people with plenty give a little. Have we totally lost our perspective? Has our cooped up little world of Academia failed to show us the world outside? I understand there are plenty of charities to give to, and so it may be that all those people had already given half their life savings to a different charity-it just seems unlikely from their reactions. Ah well, it's always the way i suppose.

Thought for the Day: It's not how much you can give, it's how much you can keep

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Time to spare

Well what to write about. As i type i am revelling in the boredom that comes from having done nothing for the past 2 or so days. That two full hard days of nothingness. It is actually quite tiring! Of course that isn't quite true. I have been keeping myself busy in one way or another, even if the things i am doing do seem rather pointless! So here i am, sat in my room...the sun is shining, and i am inside. Hmm i guess exams aren't quite over yet. bring on the day we can all sit outside and make as much noise as we like.

Last night i watched Brassed Off. It's a fantastic film, and one line stuck in my head. It was the one at the end, where the conducter talks about the fact that if it were seals or whales everyone would be up in arms, but because it was humans in need, no one cared. I think this has a hard hitting truth. How bothered are we about other people? excluding the annual tear jerk of 'Children in Need'. For instance.... ever heard of Fruit of the Loom? No probably not but you wll find their label in any item of stash you buy. so who are they? well they are an ethically awful company who exploit their workers in many countries worldwide. But nice hoodie....

How many times do read apatheticly about different people and couldn't care less. It's worrying how we can numb ourselves against emotion to the extenet that we do not care. Anyways, just a thought or two

Thought for the Day: What's worse-ignorance or apathy?