Saturday, January 07, 2006

Wind beneath my wings.

Nothing has really happened today. Did some work and then had some people round for tea this evening. But i have been thinking....i know its dangerous! At our certificates evening they got someone to play/sing 'wind beneath my wings'. Now although its kinda a really cheesy song-i think the words are actually quite good. How many times have you marvelled at your achievement and success, then suddenly realised that theres someone underneath you (not physically!!) holding you up and supporting you. Maybe its just me....Who knows

I know there are lot of people who are the wind beneath my wings-and most of the time-i have the tendency to forget that they are there. Anwyays, just some musings from perhaps the saner half of my mind! Apologies about the cheesy thought!!

Tomorrow promises to be a rather dull day of work. But i am going out for a drink in the evening! yippee!

Thought for the Day: Who is the wind beneath your wings? and when was the last time you recognised that?

Friday, January 06, 2006

And the winner is....

Not me! Yes another awards ceremony at which i won nothing! Still got some nice A-Level certificates i suppose. Never really stood a chance against the two birghtest people in the year who happened to be in my maths and physcis classes!

Still im not really bothered. It was nice to see my friends again. I think really what tonight did was to confirm to me that i have absolutely no regrets about leaving school. The school itself i completely disagree with and i am glad not to be associated with it. I had a fantastic time there, due to teachers and friends, but i also had plenty of not so great memories dealing with the school itself. So finally i have waved it goodbye and moved on.

Went into town again today-i really am getting a lot of excercise these days! Just like back in durham i suppose!

Thought for the Day: If a road has no obstacles, it probably leads to nothing

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Springtime for Hitler

Just been to see The Producers at the cinema. It was a fantastic film! Don't listen to the reviews-go and see it! Well we enjoyed it anyway! And, best of has pigeons!! Yes it has cooing, flapping, flying-even dancing pigeons. That makes any film worth seeing. But even if you don't like pigeons, still go and see it!

Having said that it is quite weird, and 2 people did leave after 20mins! Anyway firstly a virtual fireplace is a dvd, that when played, looks like real fire! hence i can have a fire in my room with no hassle! How brilliant is that!

Right then...what other wonderful things do i have to say...hmmmm.. i did some of my Uni work today, so im feeling real pleased with myself. Though in reality i have done one of quite a few days work-so i shouldn't make too much of it. Tomorrow i hope to do more-and then i have my certificates evening in the evening (obviously!). Taraa

Thought for the Day: women are evil (sorry no room to write proof)

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Tuesday 3rd Jan

Hello hello-this was written on tuesday by the way. Problem with the internet means i have to post a lil late!
I bought a virtual fireplace on ebay! Yay! Go me. I guess i kinda got carried away, but it is amazing!

Went into town today, and so am thoroughly exhausted! All that effort in one day!
Tomorrow hoping to go to the cinema! Which would be nice. Maybe to see the producers, coz it looks funny even though all the reviews are average.

Anyway gonna have to love you and leave you all

Thought for the Day: Life's a beech, but never an oak

Monday, January 02, 2006

If i were a rich girl-sorry man...lalalallalala

Once again, today was a day of nothingness. Apologies to all those who were involved in it-i don't mean boring-simply not containing much productivity.

Spent the afternoon over at Kat's with some of her extended family. Thats her wider family. Hmm why is that however you say that, it just sounds as though her family were recently caught up in a terrible stretching accident that made them all longer or wider?? Just to reassure you, what i meant was her cousins, aunts, grandparents etc etc.

That was great fun and involved eating some more food! And then sitting for a bit. All in all an exhausting day. Big plans for tomorrow though! I think i'm actually going to leave the house before midday and venture into town. Don't know what to get-preferably something very cheap, but i thought twud be a nice change-and for the first time town will be empty as all the schools go back! Always thinking..always thinking..

Thought for the Day: Do one thing that scares you every day

Sunday, January 01, 2006

2006 Bring it On!

And thus started the year of 2006 AD.

Saw in the new year in style-well not much style because it's me we're talking about here...
Spent most of the day at Katherine's house doing random things like making films and drawing pictures!!! Yes we are actually both insane. Even the men in white coats won't have us. Maybe the ones in orange coats might appear...the ones so rare-no ones actually sure whether they exist or not, partly because all the people that see them are already in the deepest clutches of insanity!

Still, til then i'll keep amusing myself one way or another. Hope everyone else had a spiffingly good new year and that everyone has enjoyed their first day of what promises to be a fun filled year! I actually have nothing to say today-so i will leave

Thought for the Day: How would you like it if people kept coming up to you and saying 'i thought you were extinct?'. No wonder dodos keep themselves to themselves