Saturday, July 22, 2006


Just a quickie to apologise for my last post. Just letting off steam and all that! It's morning now, there was a biiiig thunderstorm last night, and things are better now. Have a good day everyone!


Why aren't things the way they are supposed to be. You've seen the films you've read the books, yet somehow the mirror of real life is cracked. The image distorted, into some strange contortion. Everything is not as it appears...Nothing is quite as good as it seems. Every blessing has it's problem, and in the end it will be shrugged off with...'thats life'

And that is life indeed. A grand don't come for free, a man once said. Nothing, no nothing in this damn world is easy. Nothing is straightforward, as it should be, as it was intended. Even love itself is twisted into some bittersweet romance where hurt and pain thrive. Thoughts invade the mind, and change even the simplest things into the most complex of problems. Why, why, why i scream must things be so. Cannot what is meant to be, flow freely through time with unending ease and happiness. Must we struggle for that which we know we are intended. Or is it itself unintended, merely an illusion of the mind.

F**k you world! And yet i must endure you for another day...and another...and another

Thought for the Day: The game of life is hard to play, we're gonna lose it anyway....

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Battrick eve.

Is it a bad sign that my week does tend to revolve around an imaginary cricket team! And now an imaginary penguin called Gerald who always has a very needy look about him. Oh and by the way, if you prod him a few times he loses his balance! Hehehe

I have been watching some videos on youtube today, and include a quite incredible one below! 24 is officially amazing, and if you search on youtube you will discover numerous video montages similar to the one below.

Today i have not really done much at all. I got up at a leisurely hour and moped about the house feeling hot. I ventured outside the house briefly to play frisbee and then came back for some tea! So there you go, i really did do nothing all day. Oh just some things to clear up from yesterday...i didnt really steal posters, they were there for the taking...50 is when mathematicians officially call a number large....and its ok i dont expect appreciation of my jokes! lol.

Thought for the Day: I am who i am, and no-one, i mean no-one can change that. You don't like it, look elsewhere.

gerald! Yes i know this is hypocritical!

adopt your own virtual pet!

Live and let Die

Today i struggled with MSN Live before realising that it was incompetent and reverting back to MSN 7.5!!! Still a few hours wasted wont do me any harm! Not as though i have anything else to do!

Went out into town tonight....had a nice drink, and got barred from club for 'distributing' their posters which they happened to leave lying around the bar. We simply stuffed them down our trousers....don't see what's so wrong about that?!? Anyways a good night and a good chance to catch up with good friends. I will post some cool vids i have tomorrow, when i may be slightly more capable. For now. Adios!

Thought for the Day: Live as though you are about to die, and die as though you are about to live.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Hitting the high numbers

No i have not been physically assaulting numbers larger than 50 with a large stick. Instead the title refers to the soaring temperatures being experienced as i speak. Reading 34 C in the sun, or of course 93.2 F. At least i think so...for those who do not know the conversion equation off by heart...
T(f)=9/5*T(c)+32, and of course one can simply rearrange that to do it the other way round!

Isn't it funny, how when its cold we use celsius so it sounds lower, and when its hot we use fahrenheit so it seems higher. It's just our way of overexagerating subtly i think. In the same way that we complain when its cold and wet, and then complain when its hot and dry. I think we like to talk about our weather alot. Which is great for enthusiasts like me! However this interest is not reflected in the standard of our TV forecasts. Blonde women, with wavery airy fairy uncertain gestures in the general direction of the uk, and moving symbols that look like they should belong on a gameshow, or a computer game. No...give me good old BBC weather logos, and a real meteorologist....

Today i am reminded of 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. Maybe it is because i read it over the summer, or maybe it is because it gets very hot in the book. Who knows, there is just something that makes me think of it...And on that subject, what a brilliant book. If anyone has not read it, put down your trashy summer novel and read it! Apart from the first chapter-it is well worth a read!

Thought for the Day: Carrying a gun, is an invitation to be shot (TKAM)

Monday, July 17, 2006

Wish people would talk about my lunchtime conversations

Maybe one day i will be important enough that my conversation over lunch will make all the national news bulletins. I guess i will have to find someone to talk to over lunch first-or just talk to myself. After all i am probably the only one who understands myself, or at least finds myself interesting. I fear the day, i talk myself to sleep. Surely you can't be bored with yourself?

Today i had a look at some of my possible 3rd year modules. Not quite sure why, just felt like it! Looks like i am going to be a very sad expert on gravel bed rivers, glaciers and climate change, and mountain envrionments by the time i enter my fourth year! ah well, i'm preparing myself through the purchase of geog. soc. anoraks. That has to be a start?!?

This whole Uni thing is rather scary. I'm still not sure i'm completely up to the standard required! I guess we'll soon find out eh! Maybe i shall go and read about glaciation a little before i sleep. Well goodnight one and all. Hope you are all plodding along well.

Thought for the Day: Its funny, how usually, the more mature you think you are, the less mature you actually are.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Twas Brillig and the slithy toves

...did gyre and gimble in the wabe, all mimsy were the borogroves and the mome raths outgrabe. No Hgerfd is not doing a guest blog, it is instead a line from the Jabberwocky. A poem that i rather like. Search it on google if you like and marvel it all day long.

Aha! Bet you weren't expecting that now were you! well, spontanaeity makes a pleasant change every now and again. Especially when it is utterly pointless! Today i had another BBQ at our house this time, saw my grandparents, played a bit of frisbee, which reminded me it is waaay to long since i last threw a frisbee! And now rather traditionally i am going to go to bed. Not just yet of course for that would be pre-12, which is just ridiculous.

As you may have guessed i actually have nothing to say now, except my hair has probably reached 'stupidly long by now (according to my hair length graph) and so after 14 weeks and 2 days, i may be forced to consider getting it cut soon. I think i'll try and squeeze another few days out of it though!

Thought for the Day: Are u a thermometer or a thermostat-do you change what goes on around you, or change to whatever goes on around you