Saturday, May 20, 2006

Apparently Z*8 is isomorphic to Z2xZ4

Apparently. But fear not because this trivial piece of knowledge bears no relevance to me anymore! The exam is done and today i bathe in the content which comes having had a hard week of exams. With 4 down and two rather easy ones to go-it's time to wind dow to the summer! Although ironicly having tried to cram my head in vain with all kinds of mathematical and geographical knowledge, im now having problems forgetting it. This may seem unimportant however when you have the same pieces of knowledge floating round and round in your brain, it can ge annoying!

In other news-my door ripped my shirt last night which was very traumatic, and we also went to POS which was relatively empty but good fun! Plans for today involve town, and food! Tara!

Thought for the Day: Do not read beauty magazines they will only make you feel ugly (sunscreen)