Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The marvel that is 'Refresh' Tea!

My head is twice the size it usually is, and twice as heavy, my eyelids are heavier than usual and i have a slightly spaced-out air about me. Unfortunately 3hrs sleep is not enough for Tim to function correctly. It's not that I haven't done it before. But it is the beginning of term so I'm not really back into the sleepless pattern . I woke up this morning, dazed and feeling horrible. A shower and some breakfast later things weren't much better. I felt dead! I went to my 9am which was a nightmare, i felt awful the whole way through, like my body was telling me I should still be asleep. Then after that lecture i struggled home, sorry to the chemistry cafe (the two are almost synonymous now!). Hrmm good word, probably completely out of context but you know what I mean.

I crawled to the counter, and heaved my heavy frame up to ask for a tea, through half-shut eyes. However rather than the usual choice I went for a 'refresh' tea. This is a mint tea, which i have had a few times before. From the first sniff, to the final sip (I decided not to chew the teabag this time) it was magical! In that 30mins, a party started inside my head! It was as though I woke up there and then. My shoulders lifted, my eyes opened, the sun shone and it was day! And I looked around and saw that it was good! That small cup kept me awake and energetic for the whole afternoon, however now I am beginning to lag again. Maybe I should buy some.

I will go now and try and get a first class ticket on the first train leaving reality. I need sleep.