Saturday, December 16, 2006

Well this is STILL nice

A year since I started blogging and still waiting for something meaningful! You must all be very patient people! 161 blogs in 365 accounts for one blog every 2 days 6hrs 24 minutes and 29 seconds roughly...

And as i write i find myself in very much the same position as last year. I'm the snow-scene shaker thing that 'snows' on the little scene inside when you shake it. I've just been shaken and so it'll take a while to settle. Maybe thats a bad analogy, but the ones involving the sheep, the pigeon, the pint and the magnetic field were even worse so count yourselves lucky.

And so begins the Christmas holidays...The names of days no longer exist, as I slowly dance between the two states of sleep and awake with very little mental distinguishment and slowly vegetate for a month! Or thereabouts. Well at least I wont be woken by the same alarm every morning at 7am!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It's been a while

Another term come and gone. I have now completed 4 out of my, hopefully 12 terms at University. It feels strange to be a third of the way through already. Last night was the traditional essay night, though i did manage more sleep than this time last year, and managed to hand in what was hopefully slightly better than the one last year. This afternoon we had traditional festivities, if a little early, and then had presents and suchlike. During which it must be note, i discovered the best book ever written (well, with the exception of one or two) 'Don't let the pigeon drive the bus'. Go out and buy it now-it is AMAAAZZZINNG!

So yes tomorrow is Edinburgh and then Friday is home. I think I am only just beginning to appreciate the lyrics 'Another year over, and a new one just begun'. It just keeps coming! Day after day, the sun climbs and falls, and the world continues and I try and make sense of it all. I woner if i will ever feel I have achieved anything near understanding. Life is so complex-rich some might say, but complex. Unlike the world, we don't remain constant-forever changing. When i think back to last year, I was so naive! Just started Uni, and next year I will probably look back in the same way. Its like Christmas. It never is the same. As the years go by, everything changes, people grow up, and childhood experiences fade. I hope that there will always be a part of me that is a child! Maybe just a childlike enthusiasm but an adults perception.

Thought for the Day: Have yourself a very merry Christmas!

Monday, December 11, 2006


Of course the joke from my first blog was that i spent an entireblog referring to a landform and then called it by a different name-just to prove how little i knew about the subject. The pictures and explanations where in fact related to moraines, though drumlins are equally confusing.

You wanna know what else is confusing? The general lack of blogging! People are still reading mine, and yet disasterously failing to keep their blog up-to-date! I mean i know i hardly blog regularly, but I'm on the verge of stopping looking at certain blogs anymore! I must at this point note that Taj has been blogging very regularly, but that this is to be expected given the amount of time he spends on his computer.

The last few days have not been particularly memorable so i wont waste too much energy talking about them. Though i have been to 3 carol services, carols in the bar, 2 pantomimes and watched 3 football matches on TV in just 3 days!