Sunday, April 23, 2006

Durham durham

Back in the land of the pink pather i am indeed. And all is weel at the time of press. though it does seem as though i have walked into a very very very surreal dream all of a sudden. things are so normal yet so strange. The work will hit me as a shock tomorrow! but still while tonight lives, so does my freeedom from such chores.

I today shall for a few valuable minutes dwell upon yesterdays thought. Is time dependent on activity,or activity dependent on time. Does one end and begin, and so the other occurs naturally, or does one begin, and the other one ends. Hmmmm one to ponder

Thought for the Day: Eternity is no time at all


I must apologise for the lateness of this blog. Of course although it is now yesterday, i will be referring to it as today (hence the title)

Well you just can't stop em can you. Its factual that girls can talk forever. I watched unable to intervene with manly awkwardness, as the 2 women glided from topic to topic seamlessly, each setting up the next ones cue, as though it were the most fantastic of dramas. No silence or break between, everyone knew their lines and for close to 2 hours spoke them perfectly. It's just too much for a simple ma like myself i had to leave. I should mention this was Katherine my mum and Hayley having a conversation from 10pm onwards tonight....

So, now we enter the last day-no not ever, just of this holiday. Though really this is more of a transition day between the two ends (holiday and uni). I am just about to start packing franticly as to date nothing is packed. Just to prove that it is possible to pack, sleep and eat 2 meals in 12hrs! Well actually not just to prove that-i just haven't got round to packing/tidying yet. And by the way the tidying element shoudl not be overlooked! In other news-Chelsea lost. Hooray!

Thought for the Day: Time is the measurement between two events. Therefore if activity stopped-would time?