Monday, June 12, 2006

Angel Delight Part 2

On Friday night i went to the DUS debate on fairtrade versus freetrade. An interesting debate especially as i am a fairtrade maniac as my friends will testify. The freetrade economists spoke only too predictably about how freetrade had lifted people out of poverty how it had 'made everyone richer' and 'given us more choice'. Obviously this man had been living in a sealed box buried 20ft underground for the last 30 years. Richer??More choice?? What a shamefully 1st world opinion. I wanted to shoot the man.

Still i guess he was right about one thing...fairtrade is idealistic. It is, because by nature we don't want to be fair. We don't want to be equal. That's why free and fair cannot co-exist, because people who are free do not choose to be equal! Either there is choice (freedom) or enforced equality (no freedom). It's a tricky one to weigh up. Life is by nature unfair, so why should we try and work against the system to make things fair when we know they never will be?

My brother, whom i have discussed this with many times, would point to socialism as the answer and suggest politics should move towards socialism. But alas i fear that this system relies on perfect, agreed justice and law. And if 'fair' is not achievable then how can justice be? So the situation we are left with is one where justice does not exist-a world where the innocent suffer and the guilty go free. So what's the point in this? Why should we consider trying to work towards these goals? I guess it depends on your reasons for doing so. If you do so just to achieve justice then all is lost, but instead if you decide how you are going to act regardless of the situations around you, then lack of justice towards you should not bother you, and you will already be doing everything possible to try and create a just world for others through your natural actions. I guess it all depends on your perspective.

Angel Delight Part 1

I was stuck for a title for this entry, so i thought i would find a word that summed it up. Bland, slightly weird consistency, nobody's really bothered about it, and yet it continues to exist in large quantities and numerous flavours.

Indeed this entry does exist in two parts!! Yes i have done so much these last few days that i will need two entrys to describe them. That or i'm bored. So today i watched some football and then watched some more football then watched some more football. In between that i had a BBQ which was nice! Yesterday i was in Darlo for the day which was great fun. Basically consisted of going to Emma's house, having lots of nice BBQ food, drinking a lil and sitting round lots all day! Now that's the kind of productive that i like! I like Uni, but sometimes it is nice to escape from the little bubble of Durham and experience real food, sofas and real houses!!! As well as families which are of course very nice too.

On Saturday i watched lots of football, and watched the mildert cricket team play Hatfield in the semi final of the 20-20. I strangely feel as though i had a busy day, though of course in reality i sat and watched cricket, sat and watched football and sat and ate. Not overly productive. I did manage to get spectacularly burnt knees though. No other part of my body-just my knees!
Ah well.

I should also mention that last thursday, MUFF had their first outing in the beginners tournament and won an impressive 2 out of 3 games! Hoorah!

End of Part 1