Thursday, March 15, 2007

I hope this helps

There are some things in life which make you cry or scream. There are other things which make you roar with laughter. There are things which change your life, moments of great intensity. There are times when you feel you cannot go on. There are times when you feel you cannot stop.

Then there are times of very little significance, at which you just have to sit back and giggle at the world around us. let this be one of those times! Hehehe

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Wind down

A week left of what has in many ways been a frantic term, and in many other ways been a fairly quiet term. It's odd to once again be preparing to go home for another 5 weeks. After which we will be in exams season once more. Oh what fun!

I must apologise (once again) for a lack of blogging. However I will use the excuse of essay deadline week! And blogger not orking yesterday. he last week has been good, getting rid of two essays, and seeing Ditt again and going to planet etc. The next week promises to be a fairly relaxed one. So finally I must consider tidying my room! Ahhhhh