Friday, September 08, 2006

I need trance!

So here i am, sat in my room on a Friday evening, checking my imaginary cricket team online...Something is seriously wrong. Then as if from nowhere, hidden deep within the endless playlist of cheese, rubbish and pop...i hear the all too familiar disbelief i look around me-the pens don't respond, in desperation i search for some response, alas not even the bedside light the lyrics come in...'Coming out of my cage, and I've been doing just fine'...and all of a sudden i get a flashback, no wait hundreds of flashbacks, to pubs, clubs, corridors!?! Cd players with 16 speakers...and Planet of sound! Ooooh yes i have many memories of dancing around stupidly (i find it difficult to dance sensibly) to Mr Brightside in the cheese room at Planet of Sound.

Ahhh now there's a way to spend a Friday night...locked in the ecstacy of trance and cheese, with sweat dripping from the walls, and girls dripping over Ditt...Well allegedly...that's me covered! There really is nothing quite like a good student night out in Durham-Especially if it has Mr Brightside AND trance! Now at this point the readers will be split into two groups-the group who are staring quizzically at the screen wondering quite what i am talking about, and the other group staring absent mindedly at the wall, druelling slightly! Well the good news my that in 3 weeks time-that's where I will be! Dancing my shoes socks and every-other piece-of-clothing-that-does-not-threaten-my-decency off and revelling in the madness! Join Me!

But for now, i will just have to sit here and dream!

Thought for the Day: If life is a highway, then i must be stuck in a traffic jam

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Apparently recently during an interview, Steve Irwin was asked what his favourite children's tv program was. He replied ' Well, I've got to admit I love Thunderbirds, but there will always be a special place in my heart for Stingray'

Ok, yes it may be slightly black humour-But i laughed. Perhaps i ought to clarify that i was a big fan of Steve Irwin too, and in no way am insulting his memory etc etc (you get the picture).
It's funny how some things people just don't laugh at-even though sometimes they are funny. I hope i die in a really amusing way so that whenever someone tries to tell someone how i died, they can't help but burst out laughing...mind you knowing me, i suppose it's not altogether unlikely...

In case you hadn't guessed-nothing happened today-absolutely nothing.

Thought for the Day: It's really annoying when people don't finish the

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A drop in the ocean

I read today. To say i read would be an understatement. To say i read all day would be an overstatement. You choose, i guess it's one of those glass half full or half empty things. Personally the liquid never stays in the glass long enough for me to have such a dilemna! It's like saying person half dead, or half alive-it isn't as though you'd stop to consider the philisophical reprecussions of that now would you.

Nevertheless, i did read quite a large amount today. To be precise i read roughly 70 pages (spot the oxymoron). Furthermore the subject of my reading was glaciers and glaciation, and as interesting as the topic is, there is a limit to the amount one desires to read about pre-quaternary glaciations or glacial mass balance for that matter. Still having read 90 pages i feel i have achieved something. Mind you seeing as the book has 624 pages it's just

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Newsflash: Contraceptives failure

Yes it appears that 9 months ago there must have been a dud batch of condoms or something circulating because it would appear a large number of people have become parents today. What makes this stranger is that the person to deliver all these babies was none other then Neil Crimes himself...hrmmm

Anyway, i have two brand spanking new children! Two lovely girls called Sophie and Helen. Of course these are not real children, rather my adopted college children ( i hope that explains the first paragraph to all who may be confused!) So yes i have two little freshers to write to and be generally nice to! Which is all rather exciting and reminds me that i am going back to Durham soon. Yay!

Other than that very exciting piece of news, today has been rather boring. I have a read a little, and mooched a lot. Tomorrow i must make an effort to get up early and kick myself into gear! Perhaps reverse would be a good place to start!

Thought for the Day: There is no such thing as luck. Everything happens by chance

Monday, September 04, 2006

Have you ever watched a hamster run in a ball??

Possibly the funniest thing in the world, except perhaps a pigeon running in a ball, which would probably be so fun, that i would die, from laughing too much. Another thing that is funny is comedy. Something that isn't comedy is Four Weddings and a Funeral, and that is something which unfortunately i watched this evening. This evening is coincidentally nearly up, so i wont dawdle!

Today i 'did'. Suffice to say, i carried out several important tasks, none worth a particular mention, but together, culminating in a rather significant part of the day. The rest was spent at Katherine's doing little more than 'did' in fact possibly less. Today was her day off, so she 'did not', though worryingly her 'did not' is still far busier than my 'did'. Was all very good fun.

Tomorrow i shall do something, which hopefully will provide a better read than todays endeavours. Til then, i shall stare at my eyelids.

Thought for the Day: Why did someone go to all the trouble of even bothering to make that film...

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Terrorism and poor working conditions-Brilliant!

Global warming...a massive problem with no solution...or is there one? As sick and twisted as it is, i have observed that terrorism is quite a handy solution. What is the main source of guessed it-Air Travel!! What decreased by an enormous percentage after the terrorist threats...Tada! That, thrown in with baggage handlers striking, has significantly decreased air travel over the last month. So how long will it be before the conspiracy theories start emerging, that Al-Qaeda is actually run from the Uk branch of greenpeace??

Right, anyway this was supposed to be about my holiday! So what did i do for two weeks. I heard lots of bagpipes!, walked around a lot of coastline, went to Ireland for the day and saw the magnificent Giant's causeway! (see emmas blog for details). I also went to some little tattoo thing in a small town which involved more bagpipes and some dancers...and i also looked round several towns, and saw a biiiig stone thing called Bruce's stone. For those who do not realise, Robert the ruce is actually an ancestor of mine, so was cool! lol. Went through a town called Marjoriebanks!! How amazing! And even found some random grave of someone of the same name. I should say with a name as uncommon as mine, these things can be quite special!
I am not sure we did anything else of any significance. It was very much a relaxing holiday not doing much at all

And for all those fearing about the whereabouts of is still there and i am still going there-it just didn't get from my head to my hand whilst blogging yesterday! Right well i'd best finish off there. More fantastical tales to come tomorrow no doubt!

Thought for the day: Life is like an egg, it can crack so easily