Thursday, November 22, 2007

Everybody's Kung Fu Fighting

Except for those who aren't. Including me. In fact I am doing nothing. I have done nothing all morning! After a busy week and a half i thought i'd have a lie in! What with Ball and weekend away, meetings, work, 9am lectures and such like, it's actually quite a while since my last lie in!
Unfortunately I do still have lots of work to do, in particular, maths homework and a lot of Antarctica reading for tomorrow, a presentation for Tuesday, and then a research proposal and a write-up for the end of term. Yes I know, it's nothing compared to the mountain of work most 3rd students have right now, but it's still occupying a lot of my time!

It's crazy that there's already less than 3 weeks of term left!! Eeeek. It must be time to start playing the Christmas songs soon! Anyways, I'm gonna dash! I'll try and actually write something interesting tomorrow!