Saturday, May 05, 2007

Creeping towards exams

The dawn of exams approaches. The dark night of laziness and apathy is fading away as the sun of the exam period peeps over the horizon. It's time to wake up and start work! And like any morning, I don't really want to. It's not that I don't like exams, I can see their use, I just lack enthusiasm for them at times! I have spent the last week revising and regretting I wasn't.

It's crazy, how can anyone do enough revision? I guess the answer is that no one can. However long you spend on work, you could always work longer. So how long should I spend revising? I guess it's all a matter of rationality and perspective. I am here to work, to get a degree and so it would be wasteful of me not to use my time here studying hard and trying hard in all I do. But at the end of the day, there is more to life. Even if i fail every single module, it's not ACTUALLY the end of the world.

' If you can dream--and not make dreams your master,
If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same'

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Of things real and imaginary

You may, if you are an avid reader of this blog (rules out the majority!) , have noticed that I often start Titles with 'Of'. I thought i ought to explain myself. The reason is that I am taking inspiration from The Silmarillian (Or however it is spelt). I know this may sound like an oxymoron, and it is true that 'Of' was the grand sum of inspiration or in fact anything I got from the book.

Anyway, this blog is dedicated to things that exist, and things that don't. A narrow topic I'm sure you'll agree.

Let's start with imaginary things. Numbers. 'i' in fact. At which point most of you are going 'huh?'. But yes, imaginary numbers are whizzing through my brain at the moment, and I am desperately trying to revise Complex Analysis which I HATE. Garr silly numbers that don't actually exist.

On the brighter side of non-existence, my Battrick team are having an extraordinary run of form which has seem them gain promotion and do well in the early stages of the 20-20 cup! hurrah! (I'm not sad). This means for the first time ever, next season Pigeons XI will be in a higher division than Thid Floor Ponderers.

Ok this one is a weak link. We watched a film tonight, called 'American Splendor' which was about a guy who had a comic based on him (which he wrote). It was a weird film where nothing much happened but it was amazing! Loved it! So there's the seamless link between real and imaginary, and very like a mirror, in which a real picture is reflected, here, having studied the reflection, we now study the image.

Cricket World Cup Final yesterday. Dismal weather ended a dismal tournament with Australia just edging it (especially Gilchrist). It is the most long and drawn out and unnecessarily stupid tournament in the history of the entire Universe, and I include Canada in that!! Everyone in the ICC should be sacked just for letting it take place! In other sport, Man Utd creep towards the finish line in style (yippee!), am looking forward to Wednesday.

Real maths!!! Arrrggghhh. There is something about applied maths I just don't get. It's Ok in theory but start making it real, and applied and it becomes very difficult. Unfortunately, this together with the opening statement means it is going to be a bleak few weeks.

Which leads me very nicely onto the final and very real fact that is exams! Yurk. I'd better kick my arse into gear soon or I will not do very splendidly. Library tomorrow!