Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Gotta love 'em. Only 35p a pack at Mildert shop, which means that you can buy 3 for just a mere pounds, plus the few coppers rattling around your clothing/purse. I use purse, because it is my experience that the former will apply for most guys, or is it just me who always has currency in every pocket?

The wonderful thing about poppets is the unfunny 'memories' they have on the sides of the packet. eg. 'It took me 6 goes to win Trevor...He only lasted 3 days' with a picture of a hook a duck on the front, and '...or a Goldfish' written on the side. You know what, NO I DON'T REMEMBER THAT!!! GUESS WHY, BECAUSE IT NEVER HAPPENED TO ME! I mean if they are going to go down the nostalgic route, they may as well go for things that commonly happen like 'remember that day it rained' or 'remember that time you ate something' Now there's memories that everyone is likely to have! Or even, 'Remember that time you read the poppets packet which reminded you of the time you read that poppets packet which reminded you of..... etc etc' Now at least that would provide the philosophers something to chew on.

Then again i suppose they could just give you something extra to chew on by cutting down on advertising and popping a few more poppets into each box, because as much as i like the rattle-it does mean it's half empty. Ahh the woes of this world