Thursday, March 01, 2007

Be who you wanna be, B-A-R-B-I-E

One of my favourite pastimes these days is watching early morning T.V far later than I should be, and hence having to run to lectures to get there on time. It's fantastic seeing all the different TV shows. Whether it is Thomas and Friends, the incredible Sailor Sid, the ever oinking Pepper Pig or even the rather depressing Titch, it keeps us entertained for half an hour every day! Unfortunately because it happens to be on Channe 5, there are adverts.

The adverts are the same everyday. One hair product, lego, some fighting things, and a whole variety of Barbie things. From skating barbies to flying barbies, through Amish Barbie and Muslim Barbie (with full length veil). What really made me laugh was the slogan 'Be who you want to be'. That slogan for a barbie doll!?!? A doll which if it existed in real life would have died beacuse her legs are too long for her waist or something (I read about it once a long time ago). So here we have the image of conformity, the epitome of stereotypes and unfortunately what many people aim for as the ideal image, with a slogan implying individuality and self expression.

Well this week I have decided to be myself and to just forget what other people might think ( As anyone who has seen me will know). I don't write this looking for praise or applauding myself. I do this instead for two reasons. Firstly to help reassure myself that it is ok for me to be me! And secondly to encourage everyone to be exactly who you want to be. In the end, doesn't matter what anyone else thinks!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Stokes' Theorem

This my friends is Stokes' Theroem. And quite frankly its great. That is, if you understand it. You see no matter how much i think about, how much it means to me, there isn't really much point in me posting it. Why? Because there will be two types of readers. Firstly there are the ones who know what it means. Mathematicians and physicists will look at it and with a knowing smile understand it completely. But they already knew it, it is useless reading something that you already know-what's the point. There would be no point in me standing up in front of a maths class and explaining Stokes' Theorem to them, or even recommending they read this blog-It's old news, barely worth the read.

The second kind of readers are those who have no idea what I am on about. But if that is the case then this will not help them either. You can't understand it just from this formula. It would require someone to come and find me afterwards and ask me to explain it. If anything it would just cause confusion. So what is my point?

The only remaining justification for me posting this riddle of an equation is self-expression. However I might as well just go and write it on a piece of paper rather than writing it up here and causing confusion.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Oh dear

A whole week since I last blogged. Not very impressive at all. Though i will mention that it is not entirely my fault. I have written several blogs which were simply not good enough! Taj will identify with suh writings. So I have resorted to writing one just because I haven't written one for ages, and to let everyone know what has been going on recently i guess!

Was away for the weekend in sunny Whitby which was grrreeeatt! While I was there I went to see a play which was fantastic. One of the issues the play covered was people trafficking. Rather than watse time reading further musings and mumblings from me, go to and read about something very important that actually matters.