Friday, June 30, 2006

One of my parents proudest moments...

So, 22 years later and my parents finally reap the full reward for the effort they have put in. On the same day, their eldest graduates from the University of Durham with a 2:1 MEng and their second eldest finds out they got a 1st in politics and philosophy at the University of York.

So excitemement levels are high. Their first graduation ceremony. My mum hasn't been able to sleep. She is babbling with excitement and keeps laughing almost hystrerically! The whole experience is something new for them. A novelty, a first time, one of the most important moments in their life.

What it is to be first child...Not that i doubt the equality within my family. I am old enough to realise there are no favourites. But it can be hard being the third, and my sister the fourth. Nothing is quite I will be their second durham graduate, they will be used to the cermony, been there done that, and bought the photo.

So what do i conclude from this? Well of course i look to others for support. Of course i aim to make others proud and happy. But as soon as i make that my focus in life, i am doomed to fail. There are only two people i am accountable in my life. Me, and God. I have my own goals, i have my own aims, and i strive towards them with all i am. They are not aims to do better than anyone else, or get one over on anyone. They are signs of me fulfilling my potential and working to the best of my ability. And sometimes (very often) i fail. And when i do, i get straight back up again and keep on going, without even a glance to anyone else. That is how i try to be....

Thought for the Day: 'This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man (Hamlet)

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Alas poor Yoghurt

The famous lines from a forthcoming production of Hamlet, set in a fridge. It's called 'Omlette' and features such characters of the culinary kind. Coming to a cinema near you. In other news, today the academic year finally came to a close, with the release of the results. Glad to report that it seems to have been good news in general. Another sign of the next year approaching is the fact that as of tomorrow we will be paying gas and electricity bills, and rent will follow soon!

Today has been a day of strange but pleasant nothingess. I got up for 9:30-extremely early! Because Katherine finished work at 9 and wanted to come round. So then we just spent the whole day doing nothing really. Twas great fun. And now i look forward to an evening of nothing. The nothingness was broken briefly to find out my exact mark breakdown. 81% in the IT & Skills exam-wahoo! though i wouldn't be surprised if they boosted my mark just because i complained (kind of as a silencing method!!)

I have decided that i will officially start taking suggestions of stupid things to do this holiday to pass the time. So come up with suggestions and they shall be done with pic/video proof! Im that bored! Right onto important things!

For just £9 a month (or a bit of hassling) we can persuade her to join the blogging community for real! So go on...leave a comment in support! Please....we need YOUR help

hrmm Mr Brightside just came on...*sigh* the memories...

Thought for the Day: He who searches for contentment will never find it

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

24 is officially the best thing since sliced bread!

In fact was still the best thing before sliced bread. Sliced bread merely created a temporary diversion from the truth. Right, anyway yes 24 is officially the best thing ever! I have just finished watching the las 6 episodes of 24 season 5, which i managed to download when i got back from Uni, though it did take about 3 days! Anyone who has not seen 24, then watch it!! And that includes those still catching up from series 1!

Hrmm, well i shalln't dwell on that for too long, seeing as none of my blog readers are particularly interested in 24! The trut is however that it has been the main occupant of my time today. I took a brief break from watching it t go and meet my school friend Ruth for a coffee. (She's the Cambridge one i have mentioned before). I also went shopping briefly and actually applied for a couple of semi-jobs, though I'm not sure I'll get any of them! Once again i am faced with the dilemna of wantng mone from work, but realising that no work=lots of sleep and laziness!! I guess i shall just have to wait and see what happens. I'd better go and leave my room now and convince my family that i do still exist!! Tara now

Thought for the Day: Success gains worth with failure (suitable perhaps for tomorrow!!)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Either today or yesterday, depending on whether i can be bothered to post later

Well hello there, strange people from distant lands and mythical dimensions. Welcome one and all to the madness of my blog. My blog is in fact now officially ancient having reached it's 93rd post today. What's perhaps more incredible is that so much can be written about so little. So, what fun things have i encountered since the sun last passed this way. Well i had a glorious lie in this morning. I rolled out of bed at 12ish to check on my 24 downloads.

It should be noted that since Saturday afternoon when I got back i have been downloading the remaining 7 episodes. The good news is that over 50hrs later, we are 50.3% done! Wahooo!
I ventured into town earlier in search of the all elusive job. Alas once again it got away. So predicatbly the purpose of today is carried over from yesterday much like a rogue ten, carried over in a basic addition, once all the units have been counted. Anyway i digress.

Hrm well as the edgy silence not too dissimilar to that experienced between two males making conversation descends upon me, and it dawns on me that i have nothing left to say....i shall hence depart to my bed. Goodnight.

Thought for the Day: Jaffa Cake- Cake or Big stick?